Malorie (M. D.) Cooper
Author and Universe Creator
Creator of the Aeon 14 universe, Malorie has co-written over 40 novels and penned 70 books on her own.
She loves science fiction and Aeon 14 something she takes great pride and joy in.

A.K. DuBoff
Amy has been a long-time friend, fellow author, and reader of Aeon 14.
She loves writing family/dynasty stories and I when I sent Jessica and Cheeky to Serenity, I knew that would be a fantastic playground for her. Check it out!

Andrew Dobell
Cover Artist & Co-Author
Andrew has been a huge part of Aeon 14 for years. He started in 2017 as a cover designer, and has also done photoshoots for the covers. Most of the art you see on this site was created by him.
After working on an anthology together, he and Malorie wrote an crossover series between our two universes.

Chris J. Pike (Jill Cooper)
The first co-author in Aeon 14, Chris (a pen name for Jill Cooper) has been instrumental in the development of Aeon 14. As Malorie's wife, she was the first person to read the early novels, and provided crucial feedback in crafting the universe.
Her primary series, Perilous Alliance is a key series in the Aeon 14 universe. She also spends time managing the Aeon14 Fan group on Facebook & the Aeon14 Newsletter.
Co-authored Series
Perilous Alliance
Legacy of the Lost
Fennington Station Murder Mysteries
Special Co-Author on Ascension War

James S. Aaron
The second co-author in the Aeon 14 universe, James is the creator of some of the most beloved characters in the universe. From Lyssa, to Cara, to Crash and Ngoba. Aeon 14 wouldn't be the same without James.
Just wait to see what he has in store next!

Jen McDonnell
Jen McDonnell has edited over ninety of the Aeon 14 books. Her tireless work and care has been instrumental in this series becoming what it is today.
Rika has especially benefitted from Jen's work.

J.J. Green
Jenny and I first met online in 2016, and in 2017 we decided to do a series together. She loves writing colonization stories, and I wanted a series about New Canaan. It was a match made in the stars and the Building New Canaan series was born.
Plus... Usef in a speedo...

L.L. Richman
Lisa started as a beta reader for Aeon 14. Her suggestions were so good, that I kept pressing her to write a story in the universe.
Initially intended to be a short story, the project blossomed into Alpha Centauri and then the entire Enfield Genesis series.

T.G. Ayer
Editor & Co-Author
Tee has written a host of her own novels and edited many more. I first met her as an editor and then she joined on to write the Death Dealer novel.

Zen DePitrio
Zen is the author of the Machete System Bounty Hunter series, a unique and exciting adventure in Aeon 14 that takes its whiskey very seriously.